unit 6, 3rd Floor, No.314, Karimkhan Ave., ValiAsr Sq., Tehran, Iran

Snapmaker 3D Printer

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SnapMaker 2 3D printers will fully unleash your creativity from 3D printing to laser engraving, CNC cutting.


This device is a new generation of 3D printers that is smarter, faster, bigger and more powerful than ever before.

3D printing:

SnapMaker 2 has the ability to create various projects from common programs to objects with special mechanical properties with various resistance and flexibility.


A wide range of materials such as paper, leather, wood, acrylic, cardboard, fabric, food items such as coconut cookies can be laser cut.


SnapMaker 2 has a completely updated module. The new collet ER standard enables better focus, faster CNC engraving and cutting speeds. It also supports more than a hundred bits of slow motion and cutting.